Trouble Logging in with Facebook Credentials?

We are currently experiencing an issue with our Facebook Login interface and this is why you're unable to login. As it is an issue with the Facebook Login interface, our Tech team is working with Facebook directly to find a solution as quickly as possible. We sincerely regret any frustration.


We have extended the expiration for Chats/Matches, so they should not expire while members are not able to login to their accounts.


If you are an iOS user who created your account with your Facebook credentials, please do not create a new profile through your Apple credentials as this will be a completely new profile, can cause billing confusion, and no Chats/Matches or profile info can be transferred over to this new account.


We will send a push notification out to all members that have notifications enabled letting them know when they're able to login again.


We sincerely appreciate your patience as we are doing all we can to remedy this matter.